Protein Power for Cutting

Hola from Day 1 of the Business for Unicorns conference, and let me tell you, the wifey and I are absolutely stoked!

Before we dive headfirst into today’s cerebral circus, I wanted to drop a protein-laced grenade of a tip that you won’t find anywhere else.

Not on the street corners, not in your typical broccoli-bro fitness blog.

Nope, this one's advanced—cutting-edge, but so simple even your sleep-deprived brain can make sense of it after a night of too many questionable beverages.

Here's how it all went down…

Years ago, I was wandering the hallowed halls of the ISSN conference, tripping over protein posters, when I stumbled into conversation with a fellow who was deep into the thick of protein research.

Fast forward a few years, and this guy completes his post-doc, lands himself in a lab, and is now neck-deep in protein studies. The dude's practically bathing in amino acids at this point.

Two years ago, at the ISSN, after the speaker dinner, me, this protein maniac Dr. David Church (or as we affectionately call him, DC), and another protein fiend—find ourselves a few drinks deep, courtesy of the free bar.

Now, if you've ever been to a scientific conference, you know the real breakthroughs don't happen in the lab; they happen over too many cocktails in some dim hotel lobby where the bartenders are just seconds from cutting you off. That's where the true genius is born.

Now, why should you care?

I know you want the good stuff here as you are not off reading the regurgitated nonsense spewed by wannabe fitness gurus. You get the straight turret here via the brains of the real nerds—the lab rats who are actually pushing the boundaries. I get the good stuff straight from the source while the masses are still sipping on yesterday's stale Kool-Aid.

Coming soon on the podcast, you’ll hear DC himself break down a killer study from his lab on protein research, particularly when you're looking to get leaner.

...And no, this isn’t the same old recycled garbage—this is fresh, piping-hot intel.

But because I like you, I’m not going to make you wait for the podcast. I’ll hit you with the big takeaway right now.

Are you ready? Buckle up.

Here it is—brace yourself: early evidence suggests there might be a darn good reason to crank up your protein intake when you're cutting calories to 30% below maintenance.

Yeah, you heard me. Higher. We’re talking stratospheric protein levels.

For a few of my clients who are cutting like a maniac, I’ve upped their post-training protein to a solid 75 grams.

First meal? A casual 50 grams, followed by another 75 grams later on as they get deeper into their cut.

Yeah, it’s a lot. But guess what? The results don’t lie.

Now, before the hardcore science gatekeepers start sharpening their pitchforks—yes, this is based on a mechanistic study in actual humans.

No lab rats here.

..And yes, we’re talking whey protein versus EAAs, and no, it wasn’t a long-term study.

But listen, I’m not asking you to marry this protocol—just date it for a while, see how it feels if you are cutting calories hard.

Side note- if you are NOT cutting calories hard, we have zero data that super high protein levels pack on more muscle. I go hard on this in the Flex Diet Cert.

Worst-case scenario? Not much.

Best case? You keep more muscle while you're hacking away at your fat stores like Jack the Ripper.

Remember, muscle is hard-earned, built through blood, sweat, and relentless, violent consistency. Don’t let it slip away just because you’re chasing abs on a super low protein intake.

Time will tell. Future studies will either crown this strategy king or send it to the gallows. But until then, you’ve got your own body—be your own n=1 study and give it a go during your next fat loss phase.

Much love,
Dr. Mike

Want some more protein for yourself? Use code drmike to save 15%. Go to

Yeah, I make a few clams from it as an affiliate, and I wouldn’t hawk something I don’t actually use.

References (nerd fuel)

Gwin JA, Church DD, Allen JT, Wilson MA, Carrigan CT, Murphy NE, Varanoske AN, Margolis LM, Wolfe RR, Ferrando AA, Pasiakos SM. Consuming Whey Protein with Added Essential Amino Acids, not Carbohydrate, Maintains Post-Exercise Anabolism while Underfed. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2024 Aug 23.. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39160756.


Mike T Nelson CISSN, CSCS, MSME, PhD
Associate Professor, Carrick Institute
Owner, Extreme Human Performance, LLC
Editorial Board Member, STRONG Fitness Mag

​Mike T Nelson is a PhD and not a physician or registered dietitian. The contents of this email should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.

Dr Mike T Nelson

Creator of the Flex Diet Cert & Phys Flex Cert, CSCS, CISSN, Assoc Professor, kiteboarder, lifter of odd objects, metal music lover. >>>>Sign up to my daily FREE Fitness Insider newsletter below

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