How to be more robust - and why this is important

I am back at the airport again here off to Dallas TX - more on that tomorrow, but today I wanted to share an interview I did as part of the Special Force Experience with my good buddy Rick Alexander.

I got to see Rick again this past weekend as I mentioned yesterday in my newsletter about downtime.

>> How To Be More Robust <<

In this video, we discuss

  • Introduction to Nutrition and Physical Goals: The video discusses nutrition strategies to help military and paramilitary personnel achieve their physical goals, focusing on endurance under heavy loads.
  • Advanced Testing Equipment: Dr. Mike uses advanced equipment, like muscle oxygenation monitors and metabolic carts, to assess and optimize client performance.
  • Remote Assessments: He translates these in-person assessments into effective online metrics, using video analysis and simple tests like the bolt score and Cooper run test.
  • Importance of Efficient Movement: Emphasis on teaching efficient movement techniques, especially for running, to enhance performance and reduce wear and tear.
  • Breathwork Techniques: Discussion on the benefits of nasal breathing and other breathwork techniques to improve aerobic capacity and mental toughness.
  • Cold Exposure Benefits: Dr. Mike explains the physiological and psychological benefits of cold exposure, including improved immune function and mental resilience.
  • Metabolic Flexibility: The concept of metabolic flexibility is introduced, highlighting the ability to efficiently use both fats and carbohydrates as fuel.
  • Fasted Cardio: The benefits of fasted cardio are discussed, emphasizing its role in teaching the body to use fat as fuel during low to moderate intensity exercise.
  • Importance of Resilience: Building resilience through varied training methods, including exposure to adversity like fasting and cold, is crucial for long-term performance and health.
  • Training for the Unexpected: Military personnel benefit from metabolic flexibility, allowing them to perform under unpredictable conditions without relying on constant food intake.

Here is the full video below

>> How To Be More Robust <<

Much love,

Dr Mike


Mike T Nelson CISSN, CSCS, MSME, PhD
Associate Professor, Carrick Institute
Owner, Extreme Human Performance, LLC
Editorial Board Member, STRONG Fitness Mag

Mike T Nelson is a PhD and not a physician or registered dietitian. The contents of this email should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.


Dr Mike T Nelson

Creator of the Flex Diet Cert & Phys Flex Cert, CSCS, CISSN, Assoc Professor, kiteboarder, lifter of odd objects, metal music lover. >>>>Sign up to my daily FREE Fitness Insider newsletter below

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