Concerts, Chaos, and Cracking the Code: Why Bloodwork Is Your Secret Weapon

Hola, my fellow freaks and fitness fanatics—your favorite mad scientist, up and at ‘em with a heart rate that’s borderline criminal, fueled by a jug of coffee that would make any sane person’s ticker explode.


Because I’ve got something wild, something absolutely unhinged for you today, and I ain't slowing down despite the wreckage my body endured last night.

That’s right, I crawled out of the chaos of the final Sepultura concert, where I was baptized in the primal fury of Agnostic Front and Obituary. A spiritual experience, no doubt, and yeah, my body’s feeling like it got hit by a freight train today.

But hell, man, I don’t regret a darn second of it. I didn’t even drink—I rarely do at these sonic assaults—but the late-night adrenaline cocktail has me feeling like a disheveled roadkill. Worth every ounce of agony though, because resilience isn’t just some abstract theory I yammer about; it’s a blood-soaked reality I live and breathe.

Yesterday, I rambled on about the 4 pillars of the Physiologic Flexibility model. And you might’ve thought that was the peak of nerd glory, but buckle up, because today we’re diving headfirst into a black hole of bodily insight that’ll make your brain spin.

The subject? Genetics and bloodwork—the nitty-gritty, under-the-hood type stuff that separates the mortal men from the true metabolic demigods.

For the past four-plus years, I’ve been running bloodwork on my private M3 1-1 clients.

We’re not talking some half-assed, over-the-counter DIY nonsense either.

Oh no, I’ve got the mighty Dr. Tommy Wood on speed dial—yep, the Dr. Wood on retainer—to eyeball every molecule that comes through the bloodwork. That man could diagnose a rabid mongoose from across the room just by sniffing your lipid profile.

Now, I’m not here to play doctor—get your actual MD involved if something’s really off, I’m not bailing you out of that mess as it is waaaaaay out of my scope..
.... But what I am saying is this: bloodwork offers a keyhole peek into the deep, inner workings of your flesh machine in ways no mere mortal can grasp otherwise.

And the grim truth?

It’s a labyrinth. You won’t figure this out alone while scrolling Instagram between sets of squats.

That’s where the heavyweights come in—enter Dan Garner and Dr. Andy Galpin.

These madmen are rolling out a new product that’s gonna give you the tools to crack open your genetic code and blood data like Pandora’s box of performance secrets.

>> Bloodwork and Genetic Testing << full details

As you know I work with those two at Rapid Health Optimization. I’ve known Andy for a decade. Hell, I even crashed at his place once while his dog—Ghost Faced Killer—savagely devoured my expensive PRI shoes because I left them out like an idiot.

Hilarious in hindsight, not so much in the moment, but I digress.

Recently, I got to hang with Andy and Dan in Dallas, where they held one of their insane seminars.

Blew my mind, and now they’re giving you access to all that genius—plus a few extra goodies—but only if you’re fast enough to grab it before the offer disappears into the ether.

And yeah, full transparency—I get a few shekels if you snag it through my link. But listen, I’ve been sending people to these guys (hey Frans, Erik, I see you) long before I got any affiliate cash, because I only back the real deal.

And in a world overrun by babbling chuckle-heads who couldn’t coach their way out of a wet paper bag and pretend to recite pubmed abstract they claimed to have read, Dan and Andy are the real deal for research and actual results they get for their A-list clients / athletes.

So what are you waiting for? Check it out below:

>> Bloodwork and Genetic Testing << full details

Any questions? Hit me up.

Much love, madness, and bloodwork,

Dr. Mike


Mike T Nelson CISSN, CSCS, MSME, PhD
Associate Professor, Carrick Institute
Owner, Extreme Human Performance, LLC
Editorial Board Member, STRONG Fitness Mag

​Mike T Nelson is a PhD and not a physician or registered dietitian. The contents of this email should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.

Dr Mike T Nelson

Creator of the Flex Diet Cert & Phys Flex Cert, CSCS, CISSN, Assoc Professor, kiteboarder, lifter of odd objects, metal music lover. >>>>Sign up to my daily FREE Fitness Insider newsletter below

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