
Dr Mike T Nelson

Bonkers advice

Published 14 days ago • 3 min read

Alright, my fellow fitness renegade,

This is it—my final full day in the surreal wasteland of South Padre, and the absurdity levels are peaking dangerously higher than a magpie on meth.

You see, in my endless quest to be the beacon of sanity in the freak show that is the fitness industry, I stumbled upon a brain-tickler that nearly knocked me off my perch as I face palmed myself into Cinco De Mayo.

It’s a nugget of madness from a certain GooRoo—let’s call him by the initials DA and it may rhyme with “Wave Spray” to keep with the South Padre Island feel.

Buckle up, because this is as unhinged as a jackrabbit on cold java.

DA’s Proclamation of lunacy when asked “What is the best time to eat?”

"What I've been teaching is that the optimal time to have a meal, if you don't have a social life, is two. Because two billion years ago, there's mitochondria floating in the ocean, they're measuring the angle of the sun to figure out what time it is, and then, as things warm up, temperature also matters, but not as much as light, there's more algae. And then little mitochondria eating little algae.

Algae peaks around two, because they got their most sunlight at noon. And then that's when the most calories available. And then they start going down as the sunlight goes down. Right, and this is the cycle of life for god knows how long before we had multi-celled creatures." -DA

Holy flaming hot Cheeto on a stick Bat man.

Did we all just time-travel to a period when the pinnacle of existence was being a tiny blob gobbling sunlight at high noon?

Massive Revelation #1: You’re Not Algae, My Friend!

Jumping from algae to hooooman dietary advice?

That’s a stretch wider than the Grand Canyon. Forget that trivial detail about us being a tad more complex than pond scum.

Massive Revelation #2: Metabolic Flexibility

This is about your body’s heroic ability to switch between fuels—fat, carbs, ketones, and even that trendy lactate. It’s what makes you resilient and adaptable. Not some archaic solar dining schedule concocted from a primordial soup fever dream.

Massive Revelation #3: Human Needs vs. Billion-Year-Old Snacks

Drawing diet parallels between us and our mitochondrial ancestors?

That’s not just a stretch—it’s a full-blown psychedelic DMT trip into the eternal now. Light and temperature affect us, sure, but pinning our meal times to this ancient clock is as broken as a three-legged mule in the Kentucky Derby or a crazy as a cuckoo on changa.

Eat real foods, balance your macros, get your proteins via the 4 x40 approach (ala the Flex Diet Cert)eat some essential fats, and toss in some carbs to fuel your fire.

Don’t get hung up on eating exactly at 2 PM unless you’re actually a photosynthetic organism—which, news flash, you’re not. And if you are an evolved algae that can read, mad kudos to you.

As for me, I’m about ready to ditch the internet and its kaleidoscope of nutjob theories for a while again as I plunge back into the serenity of peer reviewed research.

With love and a pinch of sanity,

Dr. Mike

PS- If you’re tired of scraping the bottom of the cyber-barrel and crave some real, research-backed wisdom on nutrition and metabolic flexibility, check out my Flex Foundations Audio Course. Here’s what you’ll uncover:

  • The Real Impact of Fasting on Fat Loss: Uncover the surprising truths and myths.
  • ·Optimal Protein Intake: Are you overdoing it? Let’s find out.
  • The Hidden Culprits Behind Weight Loss Plateaus
  • Mastering Metabolic Flexibility: Fats vs Carbs.
  • The Metabolic Impact of Workout Timing
  • Sleep’s Crucial Role in Muscle Gain
  • 'Healthy' Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Metabolism
  • Diet Tweaks That Make a Big Difference
  • Why Simple Walking Could Be Your Best Fat Loss Strategy

And since this is an audio only course of pure information that is much shorter than the 30 hour Flex Diet Cert, it is also a fraction of the price tag.

Go to the link below for all of the details.


Mike T Nelson CISSN, CSCS, MSME, PhD
Associate Professor, Carrick Institute
Owner, Extreme Human Performance, LLC
Editorial Board Member, STRONG Fitness Mag

Mike T Nelson is a PhD and not a physician or registered dietitian. The contents of this email should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.


Dr Mike T Nelson

Creator of the Flex Diet Cert & Phys Flex Cert, CSCS, CISSN, Assoc Professor, kiteboarder, lifter of odd objects, metal music lover. >>>>Sign up to my daily FREE Fitness Insider newsletter below

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